SAFEE approaches Human Trafficking aftercare like no other organization. We intend to empower each survivor to thrive and grow towards becoming contributing members of their community, with the support of their family whenever possible.
We have learned that healing and restoration can take place in many ways. As a result, our programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each survivor in their own local context. We recognize a “one size fits all” approach does not address the needs of each survivor. We are intentional with our aftercare services which results in individualized and scalable programs that not only allow us to provide customized care based off the survivors current and future needs but allows SAFEE to provide individualized care to more victims than ever before. We are excited to share our aftercare models and services with you! SAFEE’s programs provide a safe place for all who have been rescued to rest, grow, and recover.
Provides a physical safe haven, restoration, and place for healing survivors of Human Trafficking. When a survivor comes into the STRENGTH HOME, they have access to onsite aftercare team where we ensure all physical, mental, and spiritual needs are met. Strength Home is the most suitable care we can provide to residents who do not have a safe family environment to return to, or for those who require more intentional “one on one” care. Typically, Strength Home is for survivors who have experienced high levels of physical or mental trauma.
STRENGTH HOME can include;
Physical and mental needs assessment, Individualized reintegration care plan, John Maxwell Inspirational Leadership Training, Community relationship building, Learning center & vocational training, Employment and education assistance through college degrees, Group psychoeducation sessions.
Ultimately, SAFEE wishes to return survivors to their loving family environment whenever safe and possible. SAFEE caseworkers meet with victims and their family on a regular basis as well as providing up to 12 months of financial support. In the Return Home program, SAFEE is able to build relationships with survivors, families, and local communities. This approach allows survivors to remain in environments already familiar to them with established support networks. We are able to connect the survivor and their family to local spiritual leaders, government support, resources, and assist with long-term employment opportunities within their community. Allowing them to heal and flourish in a familiar environment.


Medical l Mental Health
Many survivors suffer from repeated physical and mental abuse, malnutrition, ignored dental care, contusions, and various serious medical and mental issues. When survivors enter SAFEE, we begin creating their success story. We do this by making sure they have access to family Health, Dental and Mental Health Care. Our onsite medical staff ensures Survivors have the best chance to a healthy lifestyle.
For the Survivors who have a passion for the medical field we offer training and education as well as medical mentorships allowing them to discover their specific niche. We follow that up by helping them apply for and get accepted into medical training programs and later job placement. This approach allows Survivor to become valuable members of their community and can provide opportunities to travel internationally joining other organizations such as “Doctors without Borders”, “Mercy Corps”, “International Medical Corps”, "The John Maxwell Team", and other organizations we are in the process of partnering with.
SAFEE is always searching for outstanding, enthusiastic Medical, Dental and Mental health professionals as well as partner organizations. Are you, someone you know, or your organization ready to make a bigger difference than you already have? See our “Get involved” page today and start building your success story combatting Human Trafficking with SAFEE

Education l Training
Once the Survivor’s body and mind are well enough to progress, we help them develop their passion and dreams. Due to years of torment and abuse at the hands of their captors, survivors often have trouble discovering their full potential. SAFEE provides specialized training to motivate each survivor and help them discover their true passion which in turn, accelerates their success story.
We, along with our education partners, provide survivors and their children with educational services allowing them to attain as much education as they desire. This can equate to many opportunities including GED and High School diplomas, College degrees, Trade school and professional training such as Medical School, Nursing school, Computer Security Analyst, Manufacturing Machine Operator or any other training that assists Survivors and their families.
Finally, we provide them with lifetime career planning and job placement services ensuring a phenomenal success story that has yet to be written.
SAFEE is always looking for phenomenal, energetic professional educators and tutors as well as partner organizations such as Colleges and Universities, Technical and Trade schools. Are you, someone you know, or your organization ready to make a massive difference? See our “Get involved” page now and start creating your success plan by touching the hearts and building the dreams of Human Trafficking Survivors.

Interns l fellows
Interns: Volunteers are at the heart of the SAFEE organization. We are always seeking excellent candidates for our next Director and SAFEE leaders. We do this by working with Universities throughout the world, bringing in outstanding interns. Interns are accepted with a wide variety of interests. If you have a passion to make a difference in the lives of others, let us help you with a proprietary success plan by contacting us. Interns attend John Maxwell Leadership training and return to their Universities with a deeper stronger commitment to reaching their full potential. Through the SAFEE program both the Survivors and Interns find the experience positively unforgettable and life changing.
Fellows: PhD Candidates and second year Interns, are eligible to apply for a Fellowship position. Fellowships are coveted positions that offer greater Leadership training and roles. Fellows will mentor and lead dynamic teams in their specialty field. These highly competitive positions assist students in paying for their education while providing advanced leadership training, experiences, and opportunities to rise within the SAFEE organization as well as other organizations of their choice.
SAFEE is always searching for exceptional, passionate Interns & Fellows as well as, Universities and colleges to partner with. Are you, someone you know, your college or university ready to make a greater difference than you already have? See our “Get involved” page today and start developing your success narrative by combatting Human Trafficking with SAFEE
What Is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States. It can happen in any community and victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality. Traffickers might use violence, manipulation, or false promises of well-paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims into trafficking situations.
Language barriers, fear of their traffickers, and/or fear of law enforcement frequently keep victims from seeking help, making human trafficking a hidden crime.
Traffickers look for people who are susceptible for a variety of reasons, including psychological or emotional vulnerability, economic hardship, lack of a social safety net, natural disasters, or political instability. The trauma caused by the traffickers can be so great that many may not identify themselves as victims or ask for help, even in highly public settings.
Many myths and misconceptions exist. Recognizing key indicators of human trafficking is the first step in identifying victims and can help save a life. Not all indicators listed are present in every human trafficking situation, and the presence or absence of any of the indicators is not necessarily proof of human trafficking.
***The safety of the public as well as the victim is paramount. PLEASE, do not attempt to confront a suspected trafficker directly or alert a victim to any suspicions. It is up to law enforcement to investigate suspected cases of human trafficking. ***
U.S. Human Trafficking Hotline
Text "BEFREE" to 23373

SAFEE stands for,
SAFEE believes in building Strength by taking responsibility while Acknowledging and taking back that which was stolen or unknowingly given away. We help survivors gain their Freedom both physically and spiritually by Empowering them and refusing to look or allow others to continue to look the other way. We expand Education opportunities and skill sets to allow victims to rise from poverty.
SAFEE’s team is made up of a diverse group of passionate individuals with an impressive wide range of experiences and expertise. The 100% volunteer Board of Directors is made up of 75% professional executive women and only 25% professional executive men. The Board and their families have given countless hours of valuable time and great efforts in making SAFEE an outstanding success in the fight against Human Trafficking.
The entire Board of Directors would like to thank SAFEE’s Donors, Volunteers, Organizations, Partners, Employees, Interns and Fellows. Without each one of them we could not provide our outstanding services and bring success to so many.

Contact Us
Head Office
Maekorn Road, Mueng district
Chaingrai, Thailand 57000